Monday, March 02, 2009

Atrial myxoma

Presentation is obstructive, constitutional syndromes and stroke. Obstruction presents with sudden decreased cardiac output, even death with obstruction of mitral orifice. The usual sign is a murmur with a change in posture. Constitutional signs include low grade fever, arthralgias, skin eruptions and fleeting neurological signs. Elevated sed rate and abnormal serum proteins may lead to a misdiagnosis of lupus. One third will have neurological symptoms, including stroke, that can be the presenting sign of the illness. EKG shows nonspecific signs. Tumor embolus can act as a nidus for intracranial aneurysm formation. Rarely, a fibroelastic or malignant tumor of the heart can cause a stroke. Surgical resection is indicated. Anticoagulation does not work.

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