Saturday, May 19, 2007

Who is at risk for further stroke? MRI factors

Minor stroke or TIA with a lesion on DWI and and large artery stenosis had a 32 % chance of recurrence within 90 days (v. 11% with DWI alone and 4 % with neither finding) (Coutts SB et al. Ann Neurol 2005; 57:848-854)

Patients imaged within 24 hours who had DWi lesions with differing ADC values (implying different lesion ages) were more likely to develop recurrent stroke at 30 days v. those with DWIi lesions but nonvariable ADC (relative risk 3.6). Patients with cardioembolic source had a higher probability of having new DWI lesions on followup MRI (odds ratio 3.2). ( Sylaja et al. Neurology 2007; 68:415-419.

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