Friday, June 05, 2009

Aspirin v. anticoagulation in carotid dissection

Georgiadis D, Arnold M, et al. Neurology 2009; 72:1810-1815

A study of 298 patients with spontaneous Carotid artery dissection

Main points

ischemia is relatively rare after dissection in 3 months ischemic stroke occurred in 0.3 %, TIA 3.4 %, retinal ischemia 1 % with no significant difference between groups. Ischemic events were commoner in those with ischemic events at onset. It is important to separate these two groups. Anticoagulation had a predictable 2 % complication rate. There was 97 % followup with exam or structured telephone interview. In literature review , 2 recent meta analyses showed no difference. (see Cochrane database Syst Rev 2003, and Lyrer et al, Stroke 2004). This was not a RCT, and warfarin was prescribed up to 1997 and aspirin thereafter. The number of patients was too small to evaluate treatment differences. The primary finding was the low rate of strokes after sicd.

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