Tuesday, October 25, 2011

lifestyle choices and stroke prevention risk

Chiuve et al. Circulation 2008; 118:947-954

43,685 men Health professionals followup study
71,243 women Nurses health study

Five factors:

1.  Not smoking
2.  healthy diet
3.  30 minutes per day vigorous activity
4.  Weight BMI< 25
5.  one alcoholic drink per day for women, 1-2 for men

80 percent reduction in risk, dose dependent on how many followed.

Partly related to secondary effects of above on blood pressure.  Amount of BP reduction per lifestyle aspect adopted
10 kg weight reduction= 5-20 mm HG
DASH eating plan 8-14 mm
dietary sodium restriction  5-8
physical activity 4-9 mm
moderate alcohol consumtpion 2-4 mm

Chobanian JAMA 2003; 289:2560

Every 10 mm   reduction in BP leads to a 31 % stroke risk

Lawes et al. Stroke 2004; 35:776

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