Saturday, February 14, 2009

Continuum Acute Stroke

Notes on a few minutiae in the book that were not at first transparently obvious to me (not that is a criterion).
from "Diagnosis" chapter
1. The presence of early infarct changes (EIC) on CT were not independently associated with adverse outcome in the NINDS trial and should not preclude thrombolysis (Patel, 2001).
2. Another study found interobserver agreement "moderate to poor" on the presence of EIC's and increased outcome of poor results in their presence (Wardlaw and Meilke, 2005).
3. Clearly delineated hypodensity and mass effect is "incompatible" with three hour window.
4. Six percent of patients with brain tumors presenting to ER's had symptoms of less than 1 day duration (Snyder, 1993).
5. The critical glucose number bandied around for "hypoglycemia" is 45.
6. Chest pain as part of a stroke syndrome mimicking MI is reported after stroke of the thalamus, lateral medulla, and corona radiata.

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